IFIP TC6 Digital Library

IFIP-TC6 Open Digital Library

The IFIP-TC6 Open Digital Library (DL) was created in 2014 by IFIP-TC6 to promote open access and to speed up the development of the "official" IFIP DL. Creation of that "official" DL is controlled by the IFIP publication committee. The "official" IFIP DL will be hosted and maintained by INRIA-HAL. An early version of that DL can be found at: https://hal.inria.fr/IFIP.

This IFIP-TC6 includes papers of TC6 conferences of which copyright is with IFIP, but also papers of conferences sponsored by other IFIP TCs. Two kind of papers can be distinguished: papers previously published by Springer (as part of the LNCS or AICT series) and papers from IFIP conferences that publish directly via this DL.

Submitting Proceedings

To include papers from TC6 conferences into this DL, please submit all individual copyright-stamped papers as well as the associated meta data.

→ Step 1: Collect Manuscripts

Ensure that every paper is a dedicated PDF file and copyright-stamped. Then, create an archive file (e.g., ZIP, TAR), upload it to Google Drive, Dropbox, or a similar service. Create a shared URL with read permissions.

→ Step 2: Prepare the Metadata

You should be able to extract this data from the conference management system you are using.
For EDAS, an example of how to export meta data into a format that can be parsed by us is provided in this screencast video and this EDAS screenshot.
B) EasyChair
For EasyChair a set of python scripts to create a DBLP-XML file can be downloaded from here (thanks and credits to Michele Segata).
JEMS has built-in support to create DBLP-XML files.
D) Other
Ensure that your XMl file resembles this exemplary metadata file.

→ Step 3: Verify and Submit

Verify whether your metadata file is actually in the DBLP format. It should have the following shape:
    <!-- proceeding data -->
If this is not the case, proceed with option B). If it is, please ensure that the respective sessions and publications are listed under <toc>. Furthermore, check whether all editors are defined in an <editor>. If all is defined, submit the link and the XML file to us via email.
Usually, we can convert and process other XML files, too. However, we ask you to provide the following information as plain text which you may send us along with the exported XML via e-mail. You may use the e-mail template provided in the link below. Send us this information, the link to your papers and the XML file via email.


After its creation and maintenance of the IFIP Digital Library by Aiko Pras at the University of Twente, The Netherlands for many years, this site is now hosted by the Communications Systems Group CSG, Department of Informatics IfI at the University of Zurich UZH, Switzerland, with the support of Jan von der Assen, Chao Feng, Rafael Ribeiro, Eder J. Scheid, Muriel Franco, and Bruno Rodrigues.

For IFIP-DL-related questions and the submission of new conference proceedings to be added to the Digital Library, please contact any of them at UZH or Burkhard Stiller via (ifip-dl@lists.ifi.uzh.ch).