Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Service
2025: Hintertux, Austria
20th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference, wons 2025, Hintertux, Austria, January 27-29, 2025, Gaia Maselli, Kaushik Chowdhury, 2025: Hintertux, Austria
2024: Chamonix, France
19th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference, WONS 2024, Chamonix, France, January 29 - January 31, 2024, Michele Polese, Ana Aguiar, 2024: Chamonix, France
2023: Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
18th Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference, WONS 2023, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, January 30 - February 1, 2023, Paolo Casari, Stefano Basagni, 2023: Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
2022: Lucca, Italy
24th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDINATION 2022), Held as Part of the 17th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques (DisCoTec 2022), COORDINATION 2022, Lucca, Italy, June 13-17, 2022, Maurice H. ter Beek, Marjan sirjani, 2022: Lucca, Italy
17th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS), WONS 2022, Online, March 30-April 1, 2022, Michael Welzl, Gunnar Karlsson, Özgü Alay, Chunyi Peng, , 2022: Online
2021: Virtual Conference
16th IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS), WONS 2021, Virtual Conference, March 9-11, 2021, Raphaël Frank, Michele Segata, Uichin Lee, 2021: Virtual Conference
2019: Wengen, Switzerland
15th IEEE/IFIP Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference (WONS), WONS 2019, Wengen, Switzerland, January 22-24, 2019, Torsten Braun, Leszek Lilien, Zhongliang Zhao, 2019: Wengen, Switzerland
2018: Isola 2000, France
14th Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference, WONS 2018, Isola 2000, France, February 6-8, 2018, Jérôme Härri, Miguel Sepulcre Ribes, Ahmed Helmy, Lara Codeca, 2018: Isola 2000, France
2017: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
13th Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services Conference, WONS 2017, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, February 21-24, 2017, Konstantinos Psounis, Tommaso Melodia, Klaus Wehrle, 2017: Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA
2016: Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
12th Wireless On-demand Network systems and Services Conference, WONS 2016, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy, January 20-22, 2016, Renato Lo Cigno, Konstantinos Psounis, Christoph Sommer, Leonardo Maccari, Michele Segata, 2016: Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy
2004: Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
Wireless On-Demand Network Systems, First IFIP TC6 Working Conference, WONS 2004, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, January 21-23, 2004, Proceedings, Roberto Battiti, Marco Conti, Renato Lo Cigno, 2004: Madonna di Campiglio, Italy